Thursday, May 22, 2008

Faraway, so close!

Blue Bell Hill traffic circle on Google Maps.Blue Bell Hill traffic circle, Google Maps.

Blue Bell Hill traffic circle, rush hour, Monday evening.


Anonymous said...

Traffic circles are really a godsend and should still be used in city planning but they are seldom used these days. Planners would rather have four stop signs or stop lights and make people idle engines and burn expensive gasoline.

By the way, Ineke said..., in response to my asking her that a gallon of gasoline would cost $8.65 where she lives in Rotterdam. That makes traffic stops even more expensive to idle.

So yeah for traffic circles. We got an old one in Greenville, Ohio.

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

That's a neat idea you have with the google map to accompany a photo, I might have to steal it sometime ;)

Just Roaming The Cities said...

We have no roundabouts that I'm aware of in Minnesota. I've only seen one in Wisconsin. Nobody understands them and they try to stop!