I decided to walk the two and a half miles from the
Transfer Center to my home this evening, taking the bike trail along the Wissahickon Creek. Spring has definitely established itself in the park. A green bloom is growing over everything, from the crowns of the trees to the depths of the creek banks.
Now we wait for the leaves to come back!!!
This is a wonderful place to walk or seems to me to be. It would be nice to ride there too. I really enjoy places like you have photographed.
Around here, we have a 13 mile bike trail and 80% of it is in the country and there is a cornfield on one side and a soybean field on the other. Sometimes you get to go past a wooded area. But nothing neat like you have.
Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio.
D: When you have a chance, send me a message through email and let me know what kind of camera you're using. I think I'm going to break down and shell out for a new one.
P.S.: There are buds on the tree outside my apartment window, so spring must be on it's way to Philly!
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