Friends would tell you that I don’t have casual interests. Whether it’s home brewing, bike riding, or running, I have to go at it full tilt or not at all. Friends, by the way, are not complimenting me. They find my passion fueled rants and raves on whatever the latest obsession happens to be somewhat trying. Which brings me to my latest obsession…
Well, not food per se. Rather, the getting of food that is healthy, that tastes good, that supports the local economy and especially farmers, that promotes bio-diversity, that doesn’t harm the environment through the use of petroleum derived fertilizers and pesticides, that doesn’t further harm the environment by being shipped half way around the world to cater to the desires of a spoiled consumer base that doesn’t see why it shouldn’t have raspberries in February, that doesn’t make kids fat, and that doesn’t treat animals inhumanely. And so I joined the local co-op.
Expect me to be writing a lot about this in the near future. After all, I consider you all to be my friends. Why shouldn’t you suffer too?
Cody has tried to talk me into doing that.......I'd like to hear more :)
I totally agree with you! You are lucky to have a good co-op there. I tried to find a co-op farm near Jackson... nuttin'.
I try to purchase from our fruit stand as much as I can though -they buy from local producers and nearby states like Alabama. When I buy from a store, I also only buy things that are in season (they really do taste better). And I started my own little veggie patch in the backyard. :)
Rant away. THats what we're here for :) I agree that we should be getting more choices of food that are healthier, fresh-picked, not so mass-grocery-store. I love farmers markets but theres only one quite a pain to get to in my area right now. I would love to see them on many streetcorners like other countries do.
Buying organic in Minnesota is SO expensive...
You? Obsessive? Never (anything else) :)
The Co-op does sound interesting, though.
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