The General Lafayette Inn, located at the intersection of Germantown Avenue and Church Lane, has been serving beer for 275 years. Well, at least part of this structure has been there that long -- originally called The Three Tuns -- and has been a tavern for most of that time. Surely the esteemed young general for whom the establishment is now named hoisted a few pints when he and his troops were holed up nearby in the fall of 1777. On this particular day -- Saturday, February 16 -- the inn was hosting a festival in which breweries from around the region were invited to share their winter beers with 250 ticket-holding patrons.
You can read more about the local beer culture at
Beers of the Wissahickon. (Warning: shameless self-promotion.)
1 comment:
Dan - I'm really enjoying your pictures. Jennifer S told me about it. Part of the enjoyment is because I recognize almost every spot. I drove by the Inn twice yesterday; I think I was too early to see the line.
Anna H
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