Thursday, November 20, 2008

CHillie afternoon

Face of CHillie.That's CHillie. She hangs out on the northeast corner of Germantown and Southampton in Chestnut Hill. She is truly a Renaissance bear. Not only is she a work of art...

All of CHillie, showing she is also a map and a bench.but also a cool and funky map of Chestnut Hill and environs (or perhaps I should say imaginations). And a bench!

She is the creation of artist Rebecca McKillip Thornburgh, and you can read (and see) all about how she came to be on Rebecca's blog.


Anonymous said...

That is one different statue. I am not sure what it is.

lv2scpbk said...

I like it.

Lori said...

I love your bear series. CHillie is great, a multi-purpose bear! My favorite is the first shot where you are not quite sure what it is. Very cool!

Halcyon said...

The bear is the symbol of Berlin and you can find decorated statues (some by artists and others just to represent the business) in front of a number of shops and businesses. I wonder if your bear penchant is somehow linked to Germantown. :)

I'll be back in Berlin this December. I'll try to remember to get a picture for you!

Just Roaming The Cities said...

Way cool!